Hmmm nothing beats and afternoon snack of fresh strawberries and yoghurt. Especially when the strawberries have come from your own garden. :D
Over the summer (the next two weeks especially) I will be trying to diet. Just by trying to eat much more healthily and eat stuff with very little fat in it etc. So lots of salad in the future...
One of my main tasks will be choosing the right things to eat in between meals when I get hungry. And this snack ticked all the right boxes:
Fruit: (with a small gating of chocolate for good measure)
A large dollop of Greek Yoghurt:
A good chance to use up some of my lavendar sugar from last year. Has a very nice sweet taste with out being too sugary - if it is possible for sugar to not be too sugary. Basically you need less of it than plain sugar in my opinion:
A good stir and sit back and enjoy:
Dont ask my why blogger decided to put that last photo upside down, as few are rotated too... humph